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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Top Paying Keywords for Google Adsense - SEO Category 2010

S/No.          Keywords      Estimated Avg. CPC       Local Search Volume: January                     Global Monthly Search Volume
1                   search engine optimization google                                             $13.25            8100            14800
2                   search engine optimization service                                            $12.28            14800          18100
3                   search engine optimization cost                                                  $11.99            2900            2900
4                   natural search engine optimization                                            $11.59            2400            4400
5                   high search engine ranking optimization                                  $11.38            1900            2400
6                   search engine optimization consulting                                      $11.31            6600            6600
7                   search engines marketing                                                              $10.63            3600            5400
8                   search engine placement companies                                        $10.63            720               720
9                   search engine optimization pricing                                             $10.59            2400            2400
10                 search engine marketing software                                             $10.56            6600            8100
11                 high search engine ranking                                                            $10.45            4400            12100
12                 search engine optimization specalist                                         $10.41            720               1300
13                 search engine marketing                                                                $10.39            368000        550000
14                 search engine optimization services                                          $10.09            27100          49500
15                 search engine ranking services                                                     $10.04            1000            2900
16                 search engine placement service                                                $9.99              1000            1600
17                 search engine optimization specialists                                      $9.84              1600            3600
18                 search engine promotion service                                                $9.71              320               880
19                 internet search engine optimization                                          $9.52              12100          14800
20                 professional search engine optimization                                  $9.32              6600            12100
21                 small business seo                                                                             $9.23              9900            12100
22                 search engine optimisation specialist                                        $9.23              720               1900
23                 search engine positioning services                                             $8.92              1600            3600
24                 search engine optimization consultants                                   $8.88              2400            4400
25                 search engine optimization                                                            $8.84              673000        1220000
26                 search engine optimization management                               $8.83              2900            2900
27                 best seo                                                                                                 $8.81              40500          60500
28                 effective search engine optimization                                        $8.76              5400            6600
29                 search engine optimization specialist                                        $8.62              5400            14800
30                 search engine optimization search engine placement        $8.56              1300            1300
31                 search engine placement services                                              $8.48              3600            8100
32                 search engine website promotion                                              $8.44              1900            5400
33                 search engine optimization tips                                                   $8.37              8100            14800
34                 seo search engine marketing                                                        $8.33              6600            8100
35                 guaranteed search engine optimization                                   $8.27              2400            4400
36                 seo pricing                                                                                             $8.21              5400            5400
37                 economical search engine optimization                                    $8.16              1900            2900
38                 search engine marketing and optimization                             $8.14              1900            2400
39                 search engine placement marketing                                          $8.14              6600            9900
40                 seo forum                                                                                             $8.09              6600            27100
41                 search engine placement optimization                                     $8.02              4400            6600
42                 search engine placement                                                               $8.00              49500          90500
43                 pay per click search engine                                                            $7.92              22200          27100
44                 search engine placement company                                            $7.76              480               1300
45                 search engine optimization experts                                           $7.76              2900            3600
46                 search engine optimization consultant                                     $7.71              5400            12100
47                 search engine optimisation services                                          $7.67              1300            9900
48                 search engine ranking company                                                  $7.60              1000            2400
49                 search engine promotion                                                               $7.52              14800          40500
50                 search engine optimization technique                                      $7.47              590               1000

Friday, February 19, 2010

Top Paying Keywords for Google Adsense - Conference Calling Category 2010

S/No.          Keywords                                                   Estimated Avg. CPC        Local Search Volume     Global Search Volume
1                   conference calling companies            $41.52            1300             2400
2                   toll free conference calls                      $32.55            1300             1600
3                   conference call solutions                      $30.99            480               880
4                   att teleconference services                $30.77            590               390
5                   unlimited conference calls                   $28.94            1600             1300
6                   conference call companies                  $28.44            1000             1300
7                   toll free conference call                        $28.43            5400             5400
8                   international conference calls            $28.22            1000             1600
9                   conference call numbers                      $27.64            3600             4400
10                 conference call unlimited                     $27.50            720               720
11                 hosting managed                                     $27.22            135000        301000
12                 managed hosting                                     $27.22            135000        301000
13                 conference call providers                     $26.88            8100             8100
14                 conference call service                          $26.33            12100           18100
15                 cheap conference calls                          $26.17            1000             1600
16                 conference call services                        $25.12            14800           22200
17                 phone conferencing services             $24.26            720               720
18                 dedicated servers hosting                   $24.26            9900             14800
19                 teleconference services                       $23.83            4400             5400
20                 telephone conference call                   $23.77            2400             3600
21                 conference call line                                 $23.66            1300             1900
22                 att teleconferencing                              $23.61            590               590
23                 conference call provider                       $23.60            2400             5400
24                 teleconference providers                    $23.57            480               720
25                 webmeeting                                              $23.22            6600             12100
26                 conference call number                        $22.91            2900             3600
27                 international conference call              $22.85            2900             6600
28                 800 conference call                                 $22.63            2400             2400
29                 free conference call service                $22.57            2900             2400
30                 telephone conference calls                 $22.56            1000             1600
31                 conference calling                                   $22.41            49500           90500
32                 conference calling service                    $22.01            1900             3600
33                 conference call reservationless         $21.99            1300             1600
34                 conference calls                                       $21.89            49500           90500
35                 conference call lines                               $21.66            720               880
36                 att conferencing                                      $21.45            1000             1000
37                 conference call systems                       $21.25            590               1000
38                 conference calling services                  $21.02            3600             5400
39                 teleconference service                         $21.00            2900             4400
40                 telephone conferencing services     $20.97            720               590
41                 phone conference calls                         $20.88            1900             2400
42                 confrence call                                            $20.83            3600             4400
43                 conference call web                               $20.69            2900             6600
44                 conference call usa                                 $20.50            720               1000
45                 dedicated server hosting                     $20.40            74000           135000
46                 teleconferencing companies              $20.20            390               720
47                 conference call recording                     $20.13            1600             1900
48                 conference call transcription              $19.72            260               390
49                 web conferencing                                   $19.70            90500           201000
50                 dedicated hosting                                   $19.58            201000        368000
51                 att teleconference                                  $19.51            1900             2400
52                 free conference call services              $19.41            1900             1900
53                 business conference call                      $19.05            2400             8100
54                 web conferencing services                  $18.94            3600             8100
55                 web teleconference                              $18.92            1600             1900
56                 audio conference calls                           $18.51            880               1600
57                 free conference call                               $17.28            49500           49500
58                 call conferencing                                      $17.22            2900             8100
59                 conference call                                         $17.08            301000        450000
60                 free conference calling                         $16.70            8100             9900
61                 free conference call number              $16.63            1000             1000
62                 telephone conference                          $16.32            12100           22200
63                 web server hosting                                 $16.22            60500           135000
64                 web conferencing software                $16.16            6600             14800
65                 conference calling center                     $16.13            480               720
66                 conference call bridge                           $16.01            1900             2900
67                 hosting servers                                         $15.98            27100           49500
68                 audio conferencing services               $15.91            1600             3600
69                 server hosting                                           $15.74            246000        550000
70                 conference call meeting                       $15.70            1000             1900
71                 conference call system                         $15.62            880               1600
72                 free conference calls                             $15.49            8100             9900
73                 conference call cheap                            $15.35            1300             2400
74                 phone conference call                           $14.87            8100             14800
75                 free teleconference                               $14.64            3600             5400
76                 conference call phones                         $14.62            1300             1900
77                 global conference call                            $14.57            880               1300
78                 phone conferencing                               $14.52            12100           22200
79                 colocation hosting                                   $14.50            14800           27100
80                 freeconferencecall                                 $14.41            8100             9900
81                 telephone conferencing                       $14.36            3600             6600
82                 web conferencing service                    $14.07            1600             3600
83                 web conferencing free                         $13.81            8100             14800
84                 hosting web                                               $13.62            2740000      6120000
85                 web hosting                                               $13.62            2740000      6120000
86                 teleconferencing services                    $13.23            4400             8100
87                 recording conference calls                   $12.96            390               390
88                 teleconference                                        $12.75            60500           110000
89                 teleconferencing                                     $12.73            60500           90500
90                 free web conference                             $12.45            3600             6600
91                 conference bridge                                  $12.30            18100           27100
92                 freeconference                                        $11.82            8100             9900
93                 website hosting                                       $11.35            246000        673000
94                 how to conference call                          $11.18            12100           14800
95                 tele conferencing                                    $10.98            880               3600
96                 web host hosting                                     $10.93            8100             27100
97                 conferencing bridge                               $10.85            1900             3600
98                 reseller hosting                                        $10.80            135000        246000
99                 free conferencing                                   $10.77            33100           49500
100              hosting cheap                                           $10.72            246000        450000

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Top Paying Keywords for Google Adsense - Network Security Category

S/No.          Keywords                      Avg. CPC           Local Search Volume          Global Monthly Search Volume
1                   network security solutions                              $25.90                   8100                        8100
2                   anti spam appliance                                            $24.71                   1900                        2900
3                   spam appliance                                                    $24.12                   5400                        8100
4                   network security hardware                             $21.37                   2400                        2400
5                   small business network security                   $21.24                   1300                        1300
6                   spam firewall                                                         $19.82                   14800                     22200
7                   network security software                              $18.56                   201000                   450000
8                   network security device                                   $17.79                   880                          720
9                   corporate network security                            $16.67                   3600                        2900
10                 business network security                               $16.13                   2900                        4400
11                 email security appliance                                   $15.47                   1300                        2900
12                 ssl vpn security                                                     $14.66                   880                          1300
13                 sonicwall firewalls                                               $14.64                   1900                        4400
14                 network security solution                                $13.11                   1900                        3600
15                 network security consulting                            $13.04                   1600                        1600
16                 vulnerability security                                          $12.71                   18100                     14800
17                 network security management                     $12.57                   4400                        6600
18                 sonicwall email security                                    $12.41                   4400                        5400
19                 network security class                                       $11.92                   880                          720
20                 sonicwall appliance                                             $11.89                   9900                        9900
21                 network security program                               $11.77                   880                          1000
22                 sonicwall firewall                                                 $11.61                   12100                     14800
23                 network security product                                $11.32                   880                          1600
24                 home network security                                    $11.01                   8100                        9900
25                 sonic firewall                                                         $10.93                   3600                        6600
26                 network security consultant                           $10.89                   1600                        1900
27                 network security service                                  $10.78                   1600                        1900
28                 sonicwall tz170                                                      $10.76                   4400                        9900
29                 network security classes                                  $10.73                   720                          720
30                 sonicwall gms                                                        $10.73                   5400                        5400
31                 network security consultants                         $10.71                   880                          880
32                 sonicwall security                                                $10.57                   22200                     22200
33                 internet security appliance                              $10.51                   3600                        5400
34                 network security                                                 $10.48                   1830000                 1000000
35                 network security products                              $10.47                   880                          1300
36                 data network security                                       $10.29                   1900                        2900
37                 firewall managed services                               $10.23                   480                          720
38                 network security system                                  $10.16                   8100                        6600
39                 network security vulnerability                       $9.54                      1000                        1000
40                 network security technology                          $9.41                      1600                        1900
41                 network security specialist                              $9.18                      2400                        2900
42                 managed firewall service                                 $9.17                      480                          480
43                 sonicwall pro 1260                                               $9.17                      2400                        3600
44                 network security support                                $8.94                      1000                        1000
45                 network security test                                        $8.94                      1900                        2400
46                 sonicwall pro 3060                                               $8.86                      2400                        3600
47                 internet network security                                $8.84                      22200                     18100
48                 web filtering                                                          $8.77                      22200                     27100
49                 network security company                              $8.74                      1300                        1600
50                 firewalls appliance                                              $8.69                      590                          1000


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